Sinhala Typing Using Helakuru And Google Keyboard With the release of Helakuru app, most of our tasks combined with Sinhala. (The writer, B.Sc., FBCS, is COO and CTO of Theekshana R&D. How To Type Sinhala Fonts In Android And Iphone. Table 1 and Table 2 describe the way of typing Sinhala conjunct letters and touching letters, respectively. Figure 1 shows the standard Sinhala computer keyboard layout. In the Sinhala keyboard layout, it has been designed to input Sinhala Bandi or conjunct letters, touching letters to write Pali if fonts are supported.

Especially in the third revision, Sinhala numerals had been standardised with input for LithIllakkam and Sinhala Illakkam had been given. In the second and third revisions of 1134, Sinhala encoding as well as to how Sinhala characters are stored on digital devices are given with the keyboard layout. The keyboard layout which was released for computer input was known as Wijesekera extended keyboard for Sinhala input. 17: Dompe Pradesheeya Sabawa: Some Sinhala words can not type properly on Windows 10. We checked those words by typing using libreoffice calc. Then use a Unicode font like Iskoola Pota to type Sinhala Fonts. Please use the pulldown menu to view different character maps contained in this font. First check you install Sinhala on Windows 10. The committee which was responsible for designing of SLASCII decided to use the same layout of Wijesekera keyboard layout which was standardised for typewriters. New fonts Top rated Top downloads Font designers. In 1990, when SLASCII was released as the standard for storing of Sinhala characters, the keyboard for Sinhala character input was also decided in the first version of SLS 1134. The previous part of this paper article ‘Introduction to Unicode Standard or Universal Encoding Standard’ had been already published in Daily FT.